Saturday, April 10, 2010

Video Suggestions Wanted

We have begun the process of putting together some of our tech video's. The Pertronix Install is up, and I expect us to continue with more regular installments in a month or so. I know we have slated a video on Electrical testing and ignition basics, wheel cylinder rebuilds, and carb rebuilds. We would like to hear from our customers with additional suggestions on what they would like to see.


  1. I love the Demo Video idea - nothing like seeing it!
    Great job and keep up the good work.
    How about Transmission temp gauge installation?
    Video Demo's will become a very valuable resource!

  2. great idea Scott- check with Jim, I have some clips of him showing me basics of brake adjustment and clutch replacement. These are "simple" jobs but his tips and tricks on a couple things would make the difference between doing it right, and being baffled later at what you did wrong, for a typical noob like me.

    My guess is there would be more vehicles sold and traded and parts bought, etc, if guys like me, who want to go back to doing some hands on stuff just had a little confidence builder, and that would turn into more advanced work for Jim and Dennis, too, as people keep these going rather than let them sit in the driveway rusting, and then realize how reliable the vehicle is, and how its worth it to upgrade to things like drive shaft balancing, 2.7L engine mod, etc.

  3. Scott,

    I would love to see a video on installing the 404 Front Axle Bushing, Gasket, Seal Kit. I would probably attempt it (and others too) if I could see a video of what is involved first (which then translates into a sale for you). I would also like to see a video on rebuilding the master cylinder with your rebuild kit.

    Also I would like to see a better definition on your product page of what your "12" step process is in rebuilding the master cylinder that you sell for $300.

    I am guessing that since I have questions on what is involved in the "12" step process others would too. This would also save you from having to answer numerous calls and emails in the future.

    Thank you for your consideration and all that you do for the UNIMOG community.

    -a lifetime customer
